Tuesday, September 15, 2015

7th chemo - good blood result

Every cubicle of the infusion center is occupied this morning.  It is a solemn reminder of the prevalence of cancer nowadays.  Some patients look new to the battle as they nervously fiddle with the infusion tubes.  We have been there.  Now we learn to settle in quickly so Gwohann can catch as much sleep as possible because he won't be tonight.  As I watch the seven drugs infused into his body drop by drop, I pray that every drop destroys his cancer under God's mighty name!

"The blood report looks great!", exclaimed our oncology NP Katie Khul.  "I have never seen such good report for the chemo treatment that you are on.  Keep doing whatever you are doing!".  Indeed, Gwohann has put in his famous disciplines in fighting his cancer.  He walks 10K steps a day and drinks the vege/fruit smoothies that I make regardless how disgusting they look or taste.  He learns to balance work and life.  He learns to relax, let go, and enjoy life.  We feel encouraged that our efforts make a difference.

Keep going! Gwohann. Let's win the battle!

-- Jacqueline

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