Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcome to our blogs

Dear Family and Friends,

THANK YOU to all of you for having been so kind to us, expressing concerns about how we are doing, and inquiring about how you can help.  We hope that by sharing this blog with you will help answer some of your questions.  Please check the past postings if you are interested in learning about our journey. Thank you for reading.

While Jacqueline may have a bit hard time talking about the disease repeatedly, GwoHann is always looking for a good listener to discuss about his latest treatment and status.  Please feel free to email or call him.

We are also grateful for your support both in prayers and in deeds. We hope the periodic updates will help give you a direction in what to pray for us, and perhaps lending us a hand.

There is also a link to the meal support calendar which you can use to sign up.  Thank you for your generosity of your love and time.

We are fighting an extremely difficult battle, but with your love and support, we shall claim the victory!

In gratitude,
Gwohann and Jacqueline


  1. Thank you for sharing your blogs with us! It was very touching to read them and to know how much love and support that you have been receiving from family and friends along Gwohann's battle with cancer. The 4th chemo will start tomorrow morning! Gwohann, you SURE are the WINNER !!!!! You're just a few steps away from kicking all the cancer cells out of your body!!! You will continue to have all of us fight this battle with you!! Go go go Gwohann!!!!

    1. Thank you! You are one of our biggest cheer leaders!

  2. Dear 國漢 and 佳芬:

    Hang in there! 加油! My thoughts are with you.

    Kathy 龍雲冰
