Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Craving for a big meal

GwoHann lost some weight, therefore, several people including a couple of cancer survivors told us that we shouldn't focus so much on eating healthy, GwoHann should feel free to eat whatever he wants, at least once in a while. With that suggestion and having endured the biopsy #2, GwoHann wanted to reward himself with a big meal. Thus, we dined out last night and had Chinese beef rolls, Xian Bing, and ZhaJiangMian. It was satisfying, flavorful and tummy-full. However, the feelings of fullness came with a price. During the night we each had to get up several times, drinking water for the MSG, and alka-seltzer for GwoHann's heartburn. Evidently, the chemo drugs damages the cells in the digestive track, compromising his ability to eat regular size meals. A lesson learned. But, this morning GwoHann said 'I don't think alka-seltzer is a medicine. I think I should take it so I can eat more food and gain weight' 
What do you think?

- Jacqueline


  1. I think everything in moderation! He can have small amounts of things he craves every so often. I say 90% healthy, 10% as he pleases. Don't save it all for one meal though - space it out. Little treats every (or every other) day!
